Professional Android and iOS Application Development Services
As a mobile developer providing Android and iOS application development services, Digital Addict offers mobile application development solutions with a team of experts with more than 10 years of experience to provide the best quality mobile application development services.
"Collaborate with us to take your business one step further in marketing strategy, user effectiveness, and Android and iOS app creation."
Android Application Development Services
Many startup companies and SMEs are currently exploring their business through Android and iOS applications.
Android is currently the world's most popular platform for mobile devices.
Using the Android application will make it easier for your business to provide the right information to customers.
iOS Application Development Services
Apart from Android, which Google developed, the iOS application for iPhone and iPad created by Apple Company is also one of the smartphone operating systems with the second most users in the world after Android.
iOS users have a high level of loyalty compared to users of other operating systems.
In addition to our Android application development services, many startups and SMEs are starting to look at and target the iOS market in their business.
- Mobile Application Development Stage -
Planning, technical capabilities, and development experience
After smartphone ownership reached 70%, business/startup/company activists who want to convert their company websites into Android and iOS applications are increasing. The costs of creating/developing Android or iOS applications vary depending on complex features, content, and elements.
The best way to determine an accurate cost is to get a quote for the application the client wants.
- Details of Mobile Application Development Fees -
Design, programming, testing, application release, operation, and maintenance
In the manufacture/development of Android and iOS applications, it is a commonplace to use a "ticket" system and the calculation of "number of workers/personnel x processing time" as the basis for the cost of making Android and iOS applications.
The more functions and elements the client requests for the application to be developed, the more labor and cost are required.
- Estimated Cost of Making Applications -
The price for making/developing Android and iOS applications is very different for each project, depending on the specifications (functions) of the application itself. Before providing a detailed quote, we provide these price ranges as shadows or estimates. So consider this just a guide.
Convert your Website into a web-based Android or iOS WebView Application.
Android iOS
$61 -> $1,605 $130 -> $1,930
Online Shop Application, marketplace, grocery, online shop, etc., for Android or iOS.
Android iOS
$459 -> $28,218 $656 -> $36,093
Application chat/GPS/user location/directory-based dialing.
For example: online delivery, grab, gojek, online motorcycle taxi, travel, tours, etc.
Android iOS
$1,968 -> $38,510 $3,205 -> $52,500
Applications for office needs, POS, cashier, laundry, warehouse, queues, reports, assessments, online exams,
Android iOS
$1,312 -> $13,125 $2,625 -> $26,250
PPOB applications, online payments, loans, stocks, mutual funds, etc.
Android iOS
$1,626 -> $42,276 $1,968 -> $55,284
Cashier application, shop payment, subscription member, health check, etc.
Android iOS
$975 -> $36,093 $1,312 -> $39,024